"The Shift", a vote for a modern Wesleyan connectionalism in a diverse world

Its Aug 2023 and I have struggled to understand the lead team's approach as we come to the end of our discernment period.   The last survey clearly showed our diverse community can not arrive at the 2/3 requirement for disaffiliation.   So the "pause" was recommended - for what and why?

Why?  The lead team states, in "nice and caring terms", that they desire to hold the community together.   They constantly repeat that none of the options (they formed!) will stop some level of painful schism.  While I reject this zero-sum thinking, let us accept this paradigm for now.  

One then reaches the conclusion that some on the lead team believe the MCC Allies, the GMC Allies and the UMC Allies (moderate) can arrive at the 2/3 threshold so as too disaffiliate.   Unfortunately, this sacrifices the UMC Allies (progressive, ie. Allies FB group).  NOTE: in reality, only God knows how our messy middle dilemma will be resolved. 

I do not come to these words quickly not with malice - it just reflects the facts based the recent Aug. 7 meeting.  It is now clear that some people strongly desire disaffiliation at any cost.   One is left with the  feeling that "listening to God" has never been a part of the process. 

I know there are leaders in the messy middle who are working, albeit silently, to reconcile a unifying solution.     I too believe "in the middle",  but MCC just doesn't reach the middle. Sometimes the battle for the middle can be messy.   

So what is one to do?  Wisdom says that God's will be done, so let fools play their games.   But this leaves our local church with a vote that will only bring pain - no MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME IS.   

Reconcilation (ie. change) comes to mind.  Thus, I want to propose my solution.  I call it "The Shift". 

Both the "Pause" and a "disaffiliation vote" brings irreconcilable pain (however it comes out).  Instead ,I recommend we all commit to "The Shift". 
  1. The admin board votes to shift discernment from disaffiliation to reconciling current connections in order that we may transform into a set of diverse loose affiliations within our local church.
  2. It needs to be emphasized that "The Shift" is NOT a vote for UMC -- the shift's principle focus is to provide  a means to stay together and love each other under a "Modern Methodist Connectionalism". 
  3. For today, Bethany becomes a loose network of 3 key affiliates:
    1. UMC-M Affiliation : 3-6 leaders that act like a college of the UMC (moderate independent),
    2. MCC Affiliation : 3-6 leaders that act like a college of the MCC,
    3. UMC-P Affiliation : 3-6 leaders that act like a college of Reconciling Ministries (LGBTQ, progressive).
    4. The lead team would be defined as campus admin leaders + representatives from each of the affiliations. 
The key element of any diverse organization is to allow each culture to represent and manage themselves however they deem fit while still "focusing on the main thing", ie. the core values and principles of the our local church.    It is not about reducing the core values and principles, it is about empowering each culture to grow in discipleship and bring glory to God across God's diversity plan.   This is modern Methodist connectionalism - ie. shared resources, divine core doctrines/values/principles,  equal accountability and empowering governance. 

It is important to state that building a network of affiliate cultures within the local church does not mean N mission fields.   It means exponential opportunities will be established by growing in connection with the affiliate organization.   It is about allowing the Spirit of God and God's work across our community and as we grow the light upon Bethany hill.    Let us be a beacon to the whole community. 

On the practical side, the lay and clergy leaders would need to meet to establish the disciples for all affiliates. Further, the SPRC would ensure that we all operates under the 2016 Book of Disciplines until the 2028 General Council to allow clear boundaries related to sexuality issues among clergy. 

Finally, a key principle of The Shift is that we hold Wesleyan Connectionalism in trust among all our community.    We strongly affirm that we believe God is working in the dilemma of our diverse network of  affiliations. 


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