9. Justifying “schism” has been employed to little purpose


I shall be thankful to any one who will point to any other place in the inspired writings, where this word "Schism" is to be found. I remember only these three. And it is apparent to every impartial reader, that it does not, in any of these, mean a separation from any Church or body of Christians, whether with or without cause. So that the immense pains which have been taken both by Papists and Protestants, in writing whole volumes against Schism, as a separation, whether from the Church of Rome, or from the Church of England, exerting all their strength, and bringing all their learning, have been employed to mighty little purpose. They have been fighting with shadows of their own raising; violently combating a sin which had no existence but in their own imagination; which is to once forbidden, no, nor once mentioned, either in the Old or New Testament.


Psalm 23:4 - Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil


It seems at times like we are fighting our own fears - “fighting with shadows of their own raising”.  Where did these fears rise to the level of such importance?  The sexual issues have been a part of our church even back to the start of Methodism, Protestant, Catholicism, Christianity, Jewish cultures.  The wise leaders agree - it is important to discuss these sexuality issues, but this is not the reason for separation.

Consider that a few Methodist denominations separated over the ordination of women and race.  Seek clarity on how you see “combating a sin … in their own imagination”.  If you find that fear is driving this push for disaffiliation, consider our history and Wesley’s words - “writing volumes … have been employed to mighty little purpose”.   Now consider what it means to reject disaffiliation - what fears come to mind?   What strength and faith comes to each of these views.   For in clarity, there is no fear, only light.

NEXT: 10. Carefully guard against those raising “justified schism”


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