6. Gospel: Fear not, divisions happen to bring truth into the open
But to return. It deserves to be seriously remarked, that in 1 COR 11 the Apostle uses the word "heresies" (KJV) as exactly equivalent with the word "schisms." "I hear," says he, (verse 18.) "that there are schisms among you, and I partly believe it:" He then adds, (verse 19,) "for there must be heresies" (another word for the same thing) "among you, that they which are approved among you may be made manifest." As if he had said, "The wisdom of God permits it so to be, for this end, -- for the clear manifestation of those whose heart is right with him." This word, therefore, (heresy,) which has been so strangely distorted for many centuries, as if it meant erroneous opinions, opinions contrary to the faith delivered to the saints, -- which has been made a pretense for destroying cities, depopulation countries, and shedding seas of innocent blood, -- has not the least reference to opinions, whether right or wrong. It simply means, wherever it occurs in Scripture, divisions, or parties, in a religious community.
1 COR 11:17-19: “The best that can be said for it is that the testing process will bring truth into the open and confirm it.”
The wisdom of Wesley shines like a light when he stresses that labeling others (“in heresy”) so as to make people’s “opinions contrary to the faith” and worst to destroy, to shed injury is itself SO counter to God’s will. The word heresy stresses how diversity of consciousness is part of God’s plan - for God plans such diversity for his end. It is NOT about converting others or changing the conscious of others. The real glory of our Lord shines when we hold all our diverse views in balance and apart from our fellowship. We hold our unity and love in a form of grace that surpasses all understanding of any single view. I am a witness to the beauty of BUMC who accepted me and my family at a time I was broken. With all my sins and all my faults I was welcomed in to the sacred love of our Church. This is the Love - whether right or wrong - that we hold everyone in our local Church, as well as our big tent Church family in each other’s embrace.
I pray that all hardened hearts that struggle with division will melt and welcome their discomfort as a sign of God’s embrace and call to the Cross.
NEXT: 7. Gospel: In diversity when “one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it”
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