4. Gospel: Where is the coming together across our diverse consciences?


The second place where the Apostle uses this word is in Cor  1 11:18 : "When you come together in the Church," the Christian congregation, " I hear that there are division" ( the original word here also is schismata, schisms) "among you." But what were these schisms? The Apostle immediately tells you: (Verse 20:) "When you come together," professing your design is "to cat off the Lord's Supper, every one of you taketh before another his own supper," as if it were a common meal. What then was the schism? It seems, in doing this, they divided into little parties, which cherished anger and resentment one against another, even at the solemn season. 


Luke 14:10-11 ““When you’re invited to dinner, go and sit at the last place. Then when the host comes he may very well say, ‘Friend, come up to the front.’ That will give the dinner guests something to talk about! What I’m saying is, If you walk around all high and mighty, you’re going to end up flat on your face. But if you’re content to be simply yourself, you will become more than yourself.”


I had to read Wesley’s words several times to arrive at “why do we fear division within our family”?  I believe one only fear diverse views and exchanges when one is attached to a solitary view of God’s grace - ie. what Wesley describes as “to cat off the Lord’s supper” – or when one comes to the table taking on the superior place of authoirty.  

Listen carefully to Wesley’s words as he his speaking to Christian unity - fellowship, grace and peace.   What does Wesley mean by “as if it were a common meal”.   The Lord’s supper belongs to the Lord; not to those invited.  Imagine if at the Last Supper all the Apostles would have divided into parties so all we heard was the clackling of the invites.   YES THE APOSTLES were a diverse group with several viewpoints!   But what was written was Jesus modeling humility, grace and peace with a singular message - “Let me show and model what it means to be united with the Father - while knowing the sins at the table.   Jesus humbled himself, washing the feets of the family and declaring I will step back and sacrifice my authority so that you may see the power of God’s ultimate Will among your diverse views.  

I pray that you will simply be yourself and allow others in our family to be simply themselves; more importantly that you may come to cherish all others in your family - with their warts, sins, cultures and colors.

NEXT: 5. Gospel: taking one before another


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