I took a 2nd, a 3rd and a 4th look at our second survey on disaffiliation and each time I saw something different. I prayed. And I kept replaying the message that went with the results from our lead team. And I prayed. I've read the facebook post from the "allies" group several times. And I prayed. I chatted with a few church leaders about the state of our "pause button" action. And I prayed for wisdom to understand - what the heck is God doing!
And then a bright light shined about the amazing story of our church. It came to me that Pontus took a vote about which direction to go about our Christ from which came the walk to the Cross and then came a deep sadness for the Apostles that were so confounded that they withdrew into their own dark place. And then God acted and the story of the resurrection shined a light upon the world.
First, to my BUMC family:
- We a beckon of light and faith upon the hill of this community?
- Our faith is so strong that even though we do not know what is to come - we will stand and trust upon the Lord?
The phases of my response to survey #2
Upon seeing survey #2 result and hearing the message from our leaders:
- I first cried for those in our family whose conscious strongly advocated for separation from the bounds of an organization that is portrayed as in flux and soft on our doctrines (ie: I hold them dearly and I warmly labeled them "the accountables"). While there is no path to the 2/3 majority we need you SO MUCH!
- Second, for all of our BUMC family that would have to continue to endure the "discernment process" instead of seeing a messianic climax in our history. I am so grateful for Phyllis's amendment to gives hope.
- Finally, I cried for the those who see the results as an affirmation of their viewpoint. For the official position of the UMC has NOT changed. Ie. the only body that speaks for the united Methodists is the general conference. And only God knows what will happen.
I then remembered the diversity of the Apostles and their moment after the weekend of the resurrection. In their darkness and bewilderment. Let us all remember the pain that all disciple endure when the difficult dilemmas of God grab us and tear us down to the core of our soul.
This lifted me up for I am a disciple of Christ! And while I have an opinion, I care NOT which direction we go.
I see the God's light in our center!
I now see that our Lord has blessed our Methodist family with so many diverse viewpoints that is reflected in the Spirit of our "de Colores" Emmaus walk. Remember our baptism. Remember our Emmus walk. Remember the saints who walked before us in these halls so. Who gave so much that we may all be together.
When I paused and let the Spirt come into my heart I could see our church' strong affinity for the center. I already knew "it" because of the deep relationships we have with each other. This time I looked at the center and bingo, there was "the center" (combining the 'likely stay' and 'likely go').
The Centrist option showed the highest selection (61% 310/508) for the center. I believe this is because at the heart of BUMC we are strongly united in the center. And this correlates with survey #1, re-emphasizing the overall moderate and diverse positions of our church family across the issues facing the church.
The issues of the church (sexuality, marriage, accountability, management, etc) are relatively minor to the core mission of our church community. And our relationships.
Key questions from our discernment process
1. To the church leaders: "How will your organization welcome members whose viewpoints are on the fringes?"
The question above is paraphrased from the session #3 questions asked of the respective UMC and GMC spokespersons. Yet, this was not asked of ours own leaders and of our community.
I believe this is the central question behind the pause. Today many verbalize this as the search for the "unifying principle" that is quantified as minimizing membership exits.
How foolish is this question! For it only matters to those on the fringes of the extremes of any single issue. It diminishes our religion into a dualistic theology that works can change the world! Instead, in the full understanding of the prophets' wisdom - the complexity of our God is found in the "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom".
Now the center could care less about this question, for their faith is strongly rooted in "Trust of the Lord". The center fully understand that the answer is in their relationships with each others, including those on the fringes . There is no single act that will reconcile the divergent viewpoints on sexuality, marriage, pastoral accountability, etc.. It is our connectionalism and nurturing relationships that matter where God's grace abounds.
I believe that Ecclesiastics should be re-written from "Everything is meaningless" to "Every act is at the behest of God's Will". Let me say it again - the deep loving and graceful relationship that has been the core of BUMC is the answer to this question.
This is why I am so hopeful! Not because any side's viewpoint will win -- for the struggles will continue no matter what option we take.
NO! I now see the power of the God's center in BUMC and the amazing light of the Holy Spirit working through our members. Simply, I love my family.
2. What kind of church will we be?
The following question was asked by our dear brother John at the end of session #2 - "what kind of church do we become when we let unrepentant sinners stay in our church and become a part of our church and Rule and run our church"?
The silence that occurred after the question was stunning. With no real answer given at the time except to declare it to be a "rhetorical question". FYI: art of rhetoric is about persuasion and is really about 'making a statement rather then elicit a question'.
John's question has been bothering me since that day and I believe it is at the core of our discernment process - what kind of church will we be?
I believe that the survey answers both questions. First, I in response to John's question of what kind of church -- we will become true Methodists held by our connectionalism. After all, the original Wesleyan's were unrepentant Anglicans and throughout our Methodist history we have struggled with "unrepentant sinners ruling our church" - slavery, sins on indigenous family and their children, segregation (central jurisdiction / Methodist South-North), sexism against female pastors, and so many more. In each time GOD ACTS!
So the answer to unrepentant sinners ruling churches - GOD WILL ACT on God's time table. Not our fear based views of if-and-or-but happens an a human time table. The center of our Church has listened to our God - because of our deep relational love of each other and how we cherish the whole body - WE ARE UNITED.
BUMC members are in a marriage sanctioned by God. And just as all relationships go thru the ups and downs - we hold tight to each other. We turn inwards to each other, even with all the diverse views of our God.
The pause is our Resurrection - the future is amazing! All options for our future are GREAT! For our Lord is with us.
We are held in the ever abounding Grace of our Methodist core.
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